Originating in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, James Connolly, James Larkin and William O’Brien established the Labour Party in 1912 and it was designed to be the political wing of the trade union movement in Ireland.

Labour Founder, Proclamation signatory, James Connolly

New Republic, 1960s Party slogan
Labour has a vision which centres around equality. As Labour Party Representatives, we are actively working towards a society where every child has a fair start in life despite their background, where employees can enjoy better pay and actual job security, and where ordinary citizens can access a quality healthcare system.
We are working to achieve realistic and meaningful climate change targets. As well as this, Labour has demonstrated a solid commitment towards affordable housing so that the homeless are no longer without a home and those trying to get on the property ladder have an opportunity to do so.
The Labour Party’s Organisation of Working Time (Reproductive Health Related Leave) Bill provides for paid leave to people who have suffered a miscarriage or who are undergoing reproductive health treatment such as IVF and need time off from work to recover.
We have always spoken out strongly against the disparity between men and women in the workplace, both from a remuneration perspective as well as a role progression stance. Childcare costs should not be prohibitive, and women should be encouraged and incentivised to work in paid employment if they wish to. More women should be in leadership roles in the private and public sector and the Labour Party is fully behind a real drive for equality, inclusion and opportunity, particularly for those whose voices go unheard.
Labour strives to create a safe, kind and equal place for everyone.